Graphic designer, Webdesigner, photographer.
In 1999 I decided to create my own business,
A Kom Z, a multimedia design studio specialized in the creation of websites in Lyon, France.
In 2015, I created "Zebureau", a photo studio located in Lyon, France which integrates a coworking space and an exhibition showroom for rent.
In 2018, my eternal passion for architecture leads me to develop the activity of architectural photographer.
By dint of creating navigation interfaces and using touch screen applications, I am passionate about design and human/machine interfaces.
All content on this site is subject to copyright.
You can freely create links to this site but please let me know if you want to use any part of the content published on this site.
Warning: some ideas or concepts described in this site are registered.
Entrepreneurs, Industrialists or young startup, please contact me if you are interested in a collaboration.